Our Islamic electronics items include Al-Fajr Azan Clocks, Al-Sahar Azan Watches, Quran Pen Reader, Quran Speaker, Educational Toys, Digital Tasbeeh, and Compass.
Suppose you're missing your prayer or having difficulty in waking up at Fajr. In that case, these Al-Fajr Azan clocks and watches can thoroughly help you by letting you up to date with the time of prayers at any place in the world.
Quran pen reader is a fantastic technology that can help you learn, read, memorise, and understand the Holy Quran. Your child can get enough knowledge of Islam just by playing with these.
Digital Tasbee is a digital finger rotating tasbih counter-use to perform Zikr, Durood, and Dua. You can count your prayer breads digitally at any time and any place.
If you're a businessman and move countries to countries or a traveller? Finding qibla can be very hard and frustrating, especially when you don't know any Mosque around. The Islamic compass is the perfect item to use in this situation. It can indicate to you the direction to face to perform prayers.