
Educational Toys

The Muslim children educational toys comes in different forms to teach them the different aspects of the religion and Arabic languages with fun way.
Apple learning Holy Quran
This product contains Recitation or The Quran from Surat at-tariq till Surat an-Naas. Daily duaas including dua when you wake up, dua when entering the toilet, dua when sleeping, dua before sleeping and much more. Prayer duas such as the oneness of Allah, the word of testimony, Athan and morning prayer....
Children Arabic Learning I Pad
- Islamic I Pad for children including: - Arabic and English Alphabet and words learning . - Pray Learning. - selection from children Nasheed. - Daily Dua and supplications. - Find word and find letter test. - Kalimah Taiybah. - Al-shahadah. - Dua Al-qunoot. - Ayaht al-Kursi + 3 small sourah.
Children Quran Tablet
This tablet including Quran sourah from Yaseen until end of the Quran. It has different options like repeating Ayah or repeating sourh with full control with the sound volume. Light weight , attractive for children. running by battery not included.
E-Book for Muslim Children
E-Book is Easy to operate fun scientific and useful , there is no blind design . It contains the necessary knowledge of early children education. - Visual Stimulation , -Listening Training , Hap-tic interaction. - Arabic and English Learning. - Learning with sound : Letters & words , Vehicles, Fruits...
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