Chamomile Tea
Chamomile Tea From Asteraceae family, chamomile has many varieties; the most important of them is Matricaria recutita, in other words German chamomile. Chamomile is kind of a plant that has an antibacterial effect, and could help the wounds to heal faster. It is especially preferred in the treatment...
£3.50 £2.98
Senna maki Tea
Senna Tea Senna is from Legume family, and it is an herbaceous or a woody tree with yellow flowers that grows torrid zone and it could grow upto one meter. The leaves are boiled and drunk as tea. Senna is especially known by its contribution to overcome constipation issues.Furthermore, it is also preferred...
St. John's Wort Tea
St. John's Wort Tea St. John's Wort plant is from Hypericum perforatum L. family. In the content of the plant are biologically active rutin, pectin,choline, sitosterol and hypericin. In addition, St John's Wort also contains tannin and volatile oil. You might prefer St. John's Wort tea not to be vulnerable...
£3.50 £2.98
Thyme tea
Thyme tea Thyme, which is from the Lamiaceae family, is the common name of the plant species found in the meadows, fields, edges of the forests, and grasslands, and it is known for its unique smell. Thyme contains mainly thymol, carvacrol, linalol, tannins, andvolatile oils and flavonoid. Thyme is often...
£3.50 £2.98
With Olive Leaf and Hawthorn flower Mixed Tea
With Olive Leaf and Hawthorn flower Mixed Tea Ingredients: olive leaf, juniper fruit, lavender, valerian, cinnamonbark, marigold, mountain ash leaf, Hawthorn flower.Olive leaf contains oleuropein compound in the ratio of 60-90 mg/gr. This very active antioxidant is a polyphenoliccompound. This compound...
£6.00 £5.10
5 product(s) found for "Herbs & Tea"