Artichoke Water with axuvital extract
Ingredıents Artichoke leaf water, Artichoke leaf extract(%0.1) Naturally obtained by steam distillation method under hygienic contidions from artichoke leaf water and extract. Shake Well Before Use. Preparatıon Put of tea glass with artichoke water, then fill up with water. Storage For keeping the quality...
Thyme Juice
Thyme, volatile oil (0.5-3.5%), bitter substance and tannin. The volatile oil content comprises, Tymol (20-50%), Carvacrol, Borneol, Cymol, Linaloal, Pinene and Flavons. Advantages of Thyme Water? 1- Help to lose weight by accelerating burning of fats in the body, 2- In diabetic cases, helps in dropping...
£8.00 £7.20
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