Product Details
Ethiopian Black Seed Strong

Ethiopian Black Seed Strong

Product Code: HERB-01
Product Condition: New
Units in Stock: 7
weight: 100.0g
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The prophet, peace be upon him, said:" use the black caraway for, indeed, it is a remedy for all diseases except death." Sahih Al-Bukhari. The analysis of the black caraway revealed that it contains phosphates, iron and carbohydrate compounds together with antibiotics, which are capable of killing germs. They also revealed that it contains carotene which is converted in the liver into vitamin A, which is well known for its anti-cancer activity. Other analysis proved that the grain contains potent sexual hormones, stimulants, urine and bile diuretics, digestive enzymes, antacids, sedatives and other useful compounds. Recently it was discovered that the black caraway activates the body immunity system and increases resistance to diseases. Those who seek permanent health should take black caraway oil in a daily base. Continuous use of black caraway oil has a preventive effect against diseases.
Benefits of black seed
The benefits of black seed are important and many for health and beauty, the most prominent of which are:
1. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory
Black seed helps strengthen immunity and fight many diseases, as it contains Thymoquinone oil, which is a very powerful antioxidant.

2. Lowering cholesterol
Many researches have found a great role for black seed in lowering bad cholesterol in the blood and helping to control blood pressure and reduce blood pressure.

Thus, black seed has a great role in preventing many circulatory problems and promoting cardiovascular health.

3. Asthma treatment
Eating black seed has properties that make it help relieve asthma symptoms such as coughing and wheezing, and improve lung function in some people with asthma.

However, it appears to be effective only in people with severely impaired lung function before starting treatment.

4. Reducing blood sugar
Eating black seed can improve blood sugar levels in diabetics, but it is not nearly as effective as the drug metformin used to treat diabetes.

5. Promote mental health
Numerous researches have shown that black seed has a great and effective role in improving and strengthening memory.

6. Promote healthy hair
Black seed oil plays an important role in stimulating hair growth, increasing its thickness, and preventing hair loss.

7. Preserve the complexion
Black seed is used in the treatment of many skin problems, such as: acne, because it contains antioxidants and beneficial essential fatty acids, such as linoleic, that make it help in the treatment of dry skin.

They also help keep skin looking young and vibrant, and fight wrinkles and signs of aging.
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