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Descriptions of Paradise From the Quran and Hadith

Descriptions of Paradise From the Quran and Hadith

Product Code: BK-00178
Brand: Abul Qasim Publications
Product Condition: New
Units in Stock: 5
weight: 92.0g
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The abundance of literature on the issue of Paradise and Hellfire can hardly be overlooked. However, the problem with this literature is that it contains both authentic and weak traditions of the prophet (PBUH), and its authors were so tolerant towards the issue on the grounds that weak traditions are part of instilling in the reader a sense of desire of Paradise and fear of Hellfire. There are two arguments concerning this point: First, information on Paradise and its blessings, and Hellfire and its torment is part of the unseen (Al-Ghayb) which is at the heart of the Islamic Creed (Aqida).

But, how can one be so tolerant towards this matter? Second whoever has studied the books on traditions deeply, would find out that authentic traditions are sufficient evidence and would do away fabricated traditions. Therefore, the reason of this book is to state only authentic traditions so that the reader and, therefore, the speaker at any sermon may use them without resorting to weak or fabricated traditions.

Certainly the ultimate goal of every Muslim is Paradise. As with all aspects of the Unseen, it can only be imagined through analogy, yet its realities are far beyond description in any human language. Allah has prepared for His servants 'what no eye has seen and no ear has heard and has never occurred to a human heart.' This eternal home is not limited to what is described here of material and spiritual enjoyments, for it includes 'all the soul has longed for' and finally, the greatest and most complete pleasure beyond all imagination � the presence and nearness of the Creator Himself.

Who are the inheritors of such blessing? Who are the souls worthy of such reward?

It is common belief among Muslims today that anyone who professes 'La Ilaha ill-Allaah' and 'Muhammadun Rasoolullaah' will enter Paradise.
Yet this testimony is more than a statement of the tongue. It is an oath, a commitment that must be fulfilled. It has conditions and requirements, which affect all aspects of life. It concerns authority � what actually governs our behaviour and deeds. The Arabs of Quraish who refused to pronounce this kaliamh did so because they fully understood its implications. Yet Muslims repeat it today without a second thought, their actions and life styles bearing witness to something totally different. And they expect Paradise!

Author: Dr. Abdullah Abdulrahman Al-Shimemeri
Translated By: Chafik Abdelghani PHh.D Lodon
Pages: 61
Publisher: Abul Qasim Publications
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Great service
Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Great service I ordered the book to a friends address and he received it perfectly very happy
Karim Sahibzada
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